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Islam and secularism
Islam and secularism
Islam supports secularism. Muhammad phuh set an example by removing Bimillah phrase from the treaty of Hudaybiyyah which promotes secularism
Secularism is Kufr in Islam as it is against Allah’s law! Islam stands against secularism.
Secularism is Kufr in Islam as it is against Allah’s law! Islam stands against secularism.
Miracle of cave of Thoor
Pagans (Makkan Apostates) were persecuting Muslims (followers of Muhammad in Makka). So they were migrating to Madina. Muhammad phuh was moving with Abu Bakr Siddique. In the cave of Thoor they hid. Abu Bakr Siddique covered all the pores tearing his clothes except one. The snake of the cave couldn’t enter because he covered that one with his own foot. Muhammad said “the snake wasn’t an ordinary snake. It was a disciple of Isa (Jesus Christ) who turned into snake to see Muhammad.” What a miracle!! Subhanallah!
You knock a residence of a snake/animal it must visit you! What’s the surprise there? If it happened somewhere else than snake’s residence, that could be interesting.
And what is the miracle of the prophet? He needs protection from snakes and all other things and Abu Bakr Siddique was doing all that! Muhammad was acting like nothing but an ordinary King (resting in peace, Abu Bakr was protecting him awake)!
If the snake was expecting to see the Muhammad and knowing that why didn’t he pay the snake (the disciple of Isa) a visit? That could save Abu Bakr Siddique from pain!
And what is the miracle of the prophet? He needs protection from snakes and all other things and Abu Bakr Siddique was doing all that! Muhammad was acting like nothing but an ordinary King (resting in peace, Abu Bakr was protecting him awake)!
If the snake was expecting to see the Muhammad and knowing that why didn’t he pay the snake (the disciple of Isa) a visit? That could save Abu Bakr Siddique from pain!
mainstream Islam
May be there are many divisions in Islam but no community is out of mainstream Islam
May be there are many divisions in Islam but no community is out of mainstream Islam
What about the most oppressed Muslim community, ahmadiyyah?
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believes that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had indeed been a “non-law-bearing” prophet and that mainstream Muslims who rejected his message were guilty of disbelief. There are different opinions on other topics too (armed jihad, return of Jesus, his crucifixion, his virgin birth).
What about the differences of belief of Shia community?
Why arguments with blind theists are futile?
You tell anything but if it goes against Koran/Islam they will question veracity of the information source. If information source is trust-worthy then they will say that you might have misunderstood the meaning even if the meaning is lucid.
I wonder most of the Islam followers (followers by born) haven’t read Koran but they have more than 100 percent confidence that every single word of Koran is correct and it is a book of miracle. How ridiculous they are themselves! To them (brainwashed people) I dedicate a verse of Koran (2:7),
“God; has sealed their hearts and their hearing, and over their eyes is a veil.”
[Part of documentation]
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